Die HydroElite Experience


Martin Ziegler – Neuzugang bei Hydroware GmbH

Martin Ziegler tritt Anfang März dem deutschen Backoffice-Team bei. Er kommt von der Schindler Aufzüge und Fahrtreppen GmbH, wo er als Projektabwickler – Modernisierungen tätig war. Martin Ziegler verfügt über mehr als 20 Jahre Erfahrung in technischen Auftragsprozessen und war in den letzten …

David Wallen tritt als Geschäftsführer der Hydroware GmbH an

David Wallen wurde zum Geschäftsführer der Hydroware GmbH ernannt und wird diese Position offiziell im März 2025 übernehmen. David Wallen bringt umfangreiche Erfahrung aus seiner langjährigen Karriere in der Aufzugsbranche mit. Mit einem akademischen Hintergrund in Mechatronik begann er Anfang der 2 …

Info: Führungswechsel bei Hydroware GmbH

Die Hydroware GmbH gibt das sofortige Ausscheiden von Volker Hager, als Geschäftsführer der Hydroware GmbH bekannt. Volker Hager hat die Position als Geschäftsführer der Hydroware GmbH verlassen. Wir möchten die Gelegenheit nutzen, Volker für seinen großen Beitrag und sein Engagement für Hydroware z …

Mark Vlaswinkel joins Hydroware B.V. as Managing Director

Mark Vlaswinkel, a well-known name in the Dutch lift industry, has been appointed as Managing Director of Hydroware B.V.

Mark Golder joins Hydroware UK Ltd as Managing Director

Mark Golder will assume the position of Managing Director for Hydroware UK Ltd in the beginning of the new year.

Re-Energising the industry at interlift 2023

As the lift industry gears up for the highly anticipated interlift 2023, one company is poised to Re-Energise the field. We are set to unveil a new breakthrough, introducing regenerative energy solutions for both traction and hydraulic lift modernisations.

Hydroware Italy to focus on NEW LIFTS – new reseller for MOD in Italy

In the 10th year anniversary of Hydroware Srl, the company has signed a new reseller agreement with CSH.

Great news from Hydroware B.V. and for the Benelux region!

Hydroware and Vlaswinkel Liftmodernisering B.V. (Vlaswinkel) have finalized an agreement for close cooperation

Expressive functionality in Holmenkollen

Thanks to a sustainable lift solution provided by Hydroware and Motum AS, the hotel has become more accessible.

Martin Ejermark is the latest addition to Hydroware

Press release 23-01-26 Martin Ejermark will join Hydroware as Head of Operations, as the company continues to mobilise for its future growth. Martin is one of three recent and noteworthy additions to the Group Management in Hydroware. Martin will be joining Hydroware from his current position as COO …

Per Brandstedt joins Hydroware as CFO

Press release – 20 January 2023 Hydroware is strengthening the group management with Per Brandstedt as CFO. Per will be joining Hydroware from Atea Logistics in Växjö where he has held many leading positions for the past 10 years. Between December 2020 and May 2022, he was a member of the boar …

Styrbjörn Andrén joins Hydroware

Press release 22-10-05 Starting in January 2023, Styrbjörn Andrén will join Hydroware as Head of Products and Learning, as the company mobilises for its coming expansion. With over 35 years of experience, Styrbjörn Andrén is one of the most prominent names in the Swedish lift industry. Throughout hi …